Music Academy System
Online Music academy system is used to manage different types of classes running into Academy, students within class and their subscription. Generates various accounting reports and scheduler to configure class timing.
- LANGUAGE: Wordpress / MYSQL
- INDUSTRY: Entertainment / Education
- Type Of Services: Application Design, Application Development, Application Maintenance

- Client is running music academy for students, and wants system to manage all their students for diff. music classes, accounting reports and teacher information.
- Classes are assigned into different categories, and students signup for multiple class subscription, subscription can have different types like Trial, Weekly, free days
- System must send automatic notification to students and admin before certain days about subscription expire.
- Various accounting reports has to be generated based on diff. categories
- System Used by multi types of users, Admin, Student and Teacher.
- Client uses this system in multiple countries, wants calendar to be organized into diff. types( For ex: Chine and German)
- Student free days class subscription has to be calculate automatically based on plan selected, calendar assigned
- He expect system to be developed in wordpress and customize wordpress look n feel so it looks like professional application where client don’t feel he is using wordpress default admin panel as system

- Provided multi theme options to client for application to looks more professional
- Prishusoft created online web application in wordpress, customize wordpress default functionality and behavior
- Created multi level system where admin can manage all information, student can manage their info, subscriptions, and teach can manage all their students, calendar, and reports related to them
- Created Customize scheduler control and divided into diff. categories
- Created page to add student information and assign subscription to them, subscription dates are calculated automatically for free days plan based on scheduler
- Created Complex accounting reports for admin based on diff. music class categories
- Created centralize secure application where all types users can login
- Once subscription expired students will not able to login into system, and get page to renew Or purchase new subscription

Successfully developed web application to manage all activities related to their music academy, client is highly satisfied with automated system.