Event Organizer
Event organizer is used to manage events, their planning, and schedule. People take participate into an event using online registration, dynamic scheduler to create event schedule automatically for all participants and sends notifications.
- TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: Asp.net / Jquery / SSRS / Telerik Control
- INDUSTRY: Entertainment / Education
- TYPE OF SERVICES: Application Design, Application Development, Application Maintenance

- SAAS based, Centralize system used by multiple clients to manage their events, end users participate into event using online registration functionality, and event schedule created automatically.
- Separate data management for each event like event classes, category, class, adjudicator, location, etc. possible to copy existing event and create new.
- Allow end user to register into an event online and make payment.
- Notification about event to all participants via SMS
- Separate login panel for event organizer, admin, and participant
- Manage Public website information
- Dynamic dashboard
- System should generate different reports as per requirement

- Prishusoft created online event organizer application in ASP.NET with MSSQL server as backend
- Application is divided into 3 modules:
- Admin
- Event organizer
- Participant
- Admin create events and assign multiple event organizers to event.
- Admin should be able to manage all the information.
- Event organizer login into system and manage event data like event categories, classes, participants, event settings, email templates, location, adjudicators, manage event schedule.
- Event scheduler created automatically based on participant registered and their performance timing.
- New event copied from existing and all data will be available to new event except participant.
- Various reports are generated like schedule calendar, event syllabus, class list, class results, Transaction reports for payments.

Successfully developed web based event organizer tool and client is highly satisfied with solution.