Medical Quiz Application
Medical Quiz application, you will learn more and more as you answer the question, not like other quiz application to get score. Question sequence change based on answer of previous questions and questions are presented to cover any knowledge gaps.
- TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: MVC / Jquery / SSRS / Telerik Control
- INDUSTRY: Healthcare
- TYPE OF SERVICES: Healthcare Application Design, Application Development, Application Maintenance

- As per the client requirement we need to create the complex algorithm, so medical student easily know their level of knowledge in their field by giving the exam from site.
- We also need to distinguish the subscriber and previewer user, and how to stop the dummy registration in site.
- Online Payment integration
- Develop Dashboard to show student state, Student Subscription, Student activity, and more.
- Integrate send gird
- Create Company Website for marketing

- Create the business logic for the algorithm and list out the test cases to execute the algorithm and make sure that it works correctly.
- Provide an option at admin level to distinguished Subscriber and Previewer. to stopped dummy registration put email verification
- Payment integration: used paypal subscription method for payment integration.
- Created Interactive Dashbord at admin level with all the details where admin can easily identify the status of the sites.
- Implement the send grid for the email management.
- Create the company website for market the product from the scratch it also include the basic SEO.

We have successfully developed Medical Quiz application with key features requested by client, Client is highly satisfied with website.