WPF - Design Application
Our role is to implement NICE professional design which adds more value to product, in addition to this make enhancement to system as per requirement.
- TOOLS & TECHNOLOGIES: WPF / Crystal Report, Devexpress Controls
- INDUSTRY: Healthcare
- TYPE OF SERVICES: Application Design

- Client has already developed product in WPF, and wants NICE professional design to apply his product which adds more value
- Redesign all screens of product developed
- Made changes to code after apply new design and test it very well so it won’t break any of the functionality
- Do enhancement as per client requirement into unknown code

- Prishusoft created NICE professional design layout for all pages and implement
- After each page design changes, checked work flow of application
- Once applied design to all pages, did integration testing to make sure nothing was affected with changes made
- Did enhancement accordingly to client requirement and done with full application testing
- Understand complete application flow.

Successfully applied new design to product, and development and client is highly satisfied with same.